Thursday, May 9, 2013

Flyers flyers everywhere but not a sheet to wink

In the pursuits of is another

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Retro Without A Cause goes VIVA LAS VEGAS!

After iterations of design and getting ready for VLV here are the final designs! I have some crafty ideas for the next run but til then here it is folks!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Retro Without A Cause Strikes Again!

Another Project via Retro without A Cause...

After deciding we needed more advertising we thought of two ways. Stickers and flyers.I designed a sugar skull for stickers and car decals! This was also to have a more masculine and hardcore image from the previous ones. Secondly was flyer to have for VLV, Viva ( Rockabilly Weekender). We brainstormed and decided to go with a retro horror comic inspired theme. I looked at Tales from the Crypt and others to have something to base it off. Bernie Dexter (an awesomely sweet Rockabilly Model) gave us the green light to use her images for her brand of clothing. The rest was to display what products we are carrying. Hopefully this will be one of many projects to come.