Monday, May 18, 2009


So the end of the long journey has left me satisfied that one Im capable of making a professional quality piece and that I can work thru: Crazy deadlines, being burnt out, senoritis, school an internship and my parental responsibilities. Lets not forget the mention the time I spent cleaning up, checking emails and doing other errands to work around the stress of having to much to do. I know now I can accomplish anything. I have the ability to push thru and get what needs to be done.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

DW4 Update

Close to the finals..... I will put all my detailed shots of her pending the submission. So far im making leaps to the finish but she has so many little things that have to be fixed first. My Alphas arent working in areas I had had planned and each render is taking over 7 minutes!!!! I could do a draft render but what im looking for is in the details.

Here is her face updated...a bit more progressed than last time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

DW4 Update

Here is a screenshot of progress to the finish.... Today Im creating the base from start to finish. A funnel web over a cavernous floor with stalagmites/stalagtites ancohring the web. Should be ready within in a few day to start finishing touches on all texturing/zbrush etc.